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There are many ways to goal, We create the Optimal green one
VTECH Security main principles
There are many ways to goal, We create the Optimal green one.
Security main principles
We can help and provide you with the main criteria and policies that have to be used to make you institution or company more trusted and secured.
The system must be available for operation and use as committed or agreed. Many companies provide many online services for customers through Internet, all of these services must be available. Because if not the customers will suffer temporary loss. To avoid such risks and to insure the reliability of such services you must use some principles and criteria which we can supply you with.
Integrity of data means that data will not be in any
unauthorized way changed, it means that data state will stay
compatible with required proper (suitable) state. We use
hash function to insure the integrity of data. System must
guarantee the possibility of detection and discovering the
trials of breaking integrity. System processing is complete,
accurate, timely, and authorized. And nothing can be changed
without using authorized tools.
Many people wonder how web sites deals with transactions and
how they make sure that they receive the correct order form
customers. All of this work with the help of integrity
tools, which insure that transaction sent through Internet,
is same as the customer required with same quantities and
prices. So Integrity insure that customers will have their
transactions will be processed completely (done to end
without duplication), correctly and accurately. Any site
fulfill this can be taken as trusted site. We can help you
to insure such service.
Confidentiality refers to the information and data that must
be secured and can not be processed by unauthorized users.
These information or data must be processed only by
authorized users. For example, sensitive corporate
information, competitive information, etc.
When you use Internet to check for example our bank account
we must be sure that the website of the bank will insure
full secure transmission so no one will be able to hack into
the information sent to the user. Such website can be named
as Trust ones and they use usually HTTPS protocol. We can
provide you the best tools and requirements that will help
you to satisfy your customers' need

If a security auditor isn't in the budget, these 10 IT security audit tips will go a long way in empowering you to protect your business.

PKI (public key
infrastructure) enables users of a basically unsecure public
network such as the Internet to securely and privately exchange
data and money through the use of a public and a private
cryptographic key pair that is obtained and shared through a
trusted authority .

Web Trust
Trust Services
helps differentiate entities from their competitors by
demonstrating to stakeholders that the entities are attuned to
the risks posed by their environment and equipped with the
controls that address those risks.

Mehari methodology is a method for risk analysis
and risk management developed by CLUSIF ( Club de la
del'Information Francais).