POS Software , POS Hardware , varying Scales .
Thermal printers , price checkers, Scanners , solutions
There are many ways to goal, We create the Optimal green one
V-TECH Security
There are many ways to goal, We create the Optimal green one.
Our security team composed of selective individuals in this field, specialized in Computer Network and physical security. We have long experience in securing enterprises and financial institutions.
- Mehari methodology is a method for risk analysis and risk management developed by CLUSIF ( Club de la Security del'Information Francais).
- It is a method recognized by ENISA (European Network and Information Security Agency) to satisfy the requirements of ISO/IEC 27001,27002,27005.
- A PKI ( public key infrastructu-re) enables users of a basically unsecure public network such as the Internet to securely and privately exch-ange data and money thro-ugh the use of a public and a private crypto- graphic key pair that is obtained and shared through a trusted authority .
- Trust Services helps differenti-ate entities from their compet-itors by demonstrating to stake-holders that the entities are attuned to the risks posed by their environment and equipp-ed with the controls that add-ress those risks. Therefore, the pote-ntial beneficiaries of Trust Services .
Seurity audit tips
If a security auditor isn't in the budget, these 10 IT security audit tips will go a long way in empowering you to protect your business.
If a security auditor isn't in the budget, these 10 IT security audit tips will go a long way in empowering you to protect your business.
Security Audit for Dummies
There is no formal definition for a security audit; and there is no legal requirement for a specified function called a security audit. Nevertheless, you need to do it; and the bigger you are, the more likely it is that there is effectively if not quite explicitly a legal requirement to do it.
There is no formal definition for a security audit; and there is no legal requirement for a specified function called a security audit. Nevertheless, you need to do it; and the bigger you are, the more likely it is that there is effectively if not quite explicitly a legal requirement to do it.